We hope you all had a nice Christmas holiday and wish you all the best in 2025! Our days were quiet and peaceful, with lots of nice walks and of course some very good food 🙂 And Twinkle (our little Spanish dog) had her most relaxed New Year’s Eve in years! The days of fireworks frenzy in Holland were always very hard for her, but now we could even have our walks with her on New Years Eve! Tack så mycket Sverige!
Now that the holidays are almost over (we still have ’three kings day’ tomorrow, which we found out is a thing here), it’s time to make some good plans and move forward! We hope we will find our dream home somewhere in the next coming weeks, so we can start making those plans reality. In the meantime we will be enjoying the beautiful and tranquil Swedish winter, which is not a punishment at all! Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks…