Evrim & Igor in Sweden


We are Evrim and Igor and we left Holland last november to start a new life in Sweden. On this blog we will be sharing our stories and pictures with you. This way we can keep  people back home and new friends up to date. But mostly it is a brilliant way for us to capture this exciting, and sometimes maybe nerve-racking, time in our lives.

A short little history on how we got here:
Evrim and Igor started ‘De Bio Basis’ 10 years ago in Zeist, Holland. The first years it was an organic food store with a little coffee bar and tea room, later Evrim transformed it into a restaurant and catering company. Three and a half years ago Evrim and Igor moved to Epse (near Deventer). Igor had been studying acupuncture these years and started his practice in the surroundings of Epse. Evrim continued her catering activities and started cooking for the retreats that the Swedish Nysnö organises in Holland. Sweden and the Swedes entered our lives! Last summer we got a crazy idea: Let’s sell our house and start a new life in Sweden! A couple of months later we stepped in our van and left Holland…

Right now we are staying in a little Airbnb in Ängelholm, Skåne, on the lookout for our dream house. Who knows where we will end up!

Oh and one little thing: Igor is also professional photographer, so expect a lot of pictures 😉

Evrim en Igor

Happy new year!

We hope you all had a nice Christmas holiday and wish you all the best in 2025! Our days were quiet and peaceful, with lots of nice walks and of course some very good food 🙂 And Twinkle (our little Spanish dog) had her most relaxed New Year’s Eve in years! The days of fireworks frenzy in Holland were always very hard for her, but now we could even have our walks with her on New Years Eve! Tack så mycket Sverige!
Now that the holidays are almost over (we still have ’three kings day’ tomorrow, which we found out is a thing here), it’s time to make some good plans and move forward! We hope we will find our dream home somewhere in the next coming weeks, so we can start making those plans reality. In the meantime we will be enjoying the beautiful and tranquil Swedish winter, which is not a punishment at all! Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks…

Evrim & Twinkle
Ängelholm beach
rain clouds at sea<br />

Our progress…

Six weeks have passed since we moved here, time flies! Did we make any progress in our quest? Well, to buy a house we need a Swedish bankaccount, because of all the recent money laundering scandals in the world. Even worse: to bid on a house we would need BankID, a system of identification that is coupled to your bankaccount. Sadly to this day we don’t have a Swedish bankaccount, but we’re getting close! To open a bankaccount which has BankID (and Swish), you need a Swedish ID-card. And to apply for an ID-card you need a ‘personnummer’, the famous Swedish identification number. Actually, when you don’t have a personnummer you’re nothing more but a tourist.
So, the first thing we applied for was a personnummer, which took 3 weeks. A couple of days later we applied for an ID-card, which took around 2 weeks, because of the holidays. After receiving it a couple of days ago we went to the local bank for opening our account. But of course this also will take two to three weeks! And then, finally, we’ll be able to buy our dream home… Which we haven’t spotted yet, but that’s another story 😉
In the meantime I have been able to send in the registration forms for the company I want to start here. And guess what? Next to my acupuncture practice and my qigong training I’ll also be taking up my work as photographer again! I’m really excited to welcome this old love into my working life!

Sunset in Ängelholm

Dark days

Yes, we were warned by Evrim’s Swedish colleagues: November and December would be the worst time to be in Sweden and Skåne. Dark and gloomy days! Well, actually it is dark early around here… The total daylight time is only about half an hour less than in Holland. Not a big difference you would say? The thing is that we’re also located quite a lot more to the east and still in the same timezone as Holland. So it gets light earlier in the day, which is nice. But then at around 15:30 it gets dark very fast! That certainly takes some getting used to, sometimes we feel like it’s time for bed at 18:00. Well, only 2 nights left before the days start getting longer again 🙂

Sunset in Ängelholm


Ever since Evrim and me got together we have had dreams of moving to another country. One of the reasons Sweden only recently got on our radar is that we’re both not very fond of the cold, let alone snow… So when we by chance stumbled upon the possibility of living there, we were very delighted to find out that the climate of Skåne is not that different from Holland. Even better: there seems to be significantly less rain and more sunshine! 

Of course life has it’s own form of irony: five days after arriving here it started snowing! And guess what… we loved it! Maybe Dutch snow has a different energy than Swedish? Or maybe it just looks so much better in these surroundings? Decide for yourself:

Our little house


Evrim and me have developed a deep love for the rocky coast of Cornwall, England over the past few years. The high, almost alien cliffs, and the rough sea pounding the rocks has left me speechless numerous times. It’s as if this rough nature always made me feel totally alive.
Every time we got home I felt sad living in oh so flat Holland. This is where my dreams started of living in a place surrounded by nature.

While Skåne (the place in Sweden we’re staying now) is considered one of the flattest parts of the country, I’m really loving the rolling and sometimes hilly landscape here. And guess what…? There are even some rocky coasts to be found! A couple of days ago I did a hike around Kullaberg, which Evrim and me are already calling ‘Little Cornwall’. Here are some pictures I took that day.

Kullaberg lighthouse